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Dance News: 10 Artist-Led Projects to Support Community Healing in Minneapolis

Dance News: 10 Artist-Led Projects to Support Community Healing in Minneapolis

Published on September 25, 2020
Mural by Creatives After Curfew; Photo by Leslie Barlow

Arts Midwest is partnering with the Office of Arts, Culture, and the Creative Economy of the City of Minneapolis to help disburse grant funds for 10 projects that will support urgently needed artist-led creative healing in the wake of the death of George Floyd in the custody of Minneapolis police, and the subsequent community uprisings.

Repurposing grant resources provided by the Kresge Foundation to the Creative CityMaking program, these grants aim to mobilize the unique and specialized skills of artists and designers to engage with and expand the impact of healing and community support. These grant dollars also recognize the unpaid labor of artists and designers as they respond to multiple health and racism emergencies to support community needs. Priority was given to Black artists working with communities who have historically experienced the stress and trauma of racial discrimination.
Funded projects range in nature from pop-up healing and beauty stations, filmed performances projected onto damaged and destroyed spaces, painted murals that share native medicinal knowledge of healing herbs, community healing through art making and engagement events that involve story telling and deep dialogue. 


Creative CityMaking is a program of The Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy at the City of Minneapolis. Funding is provided by The Kresge Foundation. Arts Midwest will act as fiscal agent for the disbursal of grant funds.

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