TAP AWARDS: Honoring recipients of this year’s Hoofer and Tap Preservation awards

The American Tap Dance Foundation
TAP AWARDS - Tuesday, July 7 at 7pm - The Duke on 42nd Street - 229 W 42nd Street
Film presentations and performances will honor recipients of this year’s Hoofer and Tap Preservation awards, and inductees into the International Tap Dance Hall of Fame. Recipients include: Hoofer Award - Heather Cornell and Karen Callaway Williams; Tap Preservation Award - Al Heyward and the late Carl Schlesinger; Tap Dance Hall of Fame Award - the late Ray Bolger and the late Henry LeTang.
Dance tributes to award winners will be performed by the New Jersey Tap Ensemble (Artistic Director Deborah Mitchell), in tribute to Ms. Callaway, Max Pollak and Friends will pay tribute to Ms. Cornell and Tony Waag will perform a special tribute to Ray Bolger. Video tributes will be presented to Henry LeTang, Al Heyward & the late Carl Schlesinger. A live jazz trio will accompany all.