AUDIENCE REVIEW: “the little wonders of our little world” by Natalia Sanchez

“the little wonders of our little world” by Natalia Sanchez

Triskelion Arts

Performance Date:
August 27th 2023

Freeform Review:

On August 27, 2023, "The Little Wonders of Our Little World" premiered at Triskelion Arts as part of the WAXWorks Showcase. This whimsical and evocative dance piece, choreographed by Natalia Sanchez, was performed by three dancers, each dressed in colorful polo shirts and black shorts, visually capturing the playful spirit of the work.

The Little Wonders of Our Little World" reminisces about childhood and its carefree nature. As we grow older and become burdened by the responsibilities of adulthood, the spaces where we’re allowed to reconnect with our inner child become increasingly scarce. Through this piece, Sanchez invites the audience to revisit and tap into that inner child's curiosity and joy.

Set to two contrasting pieces of music—"El Tambor de la Alegria" by Grupo de “La Alegria” and "One Warm Spark" by Colleen—the dance flows through a range of emotions. The festive and rhythmic beats of "El Tambor de la Alegria" evoke a sense of celebration and childhood joy, while the introspective and ambient tones of "One Warm Spark" provide a more reflective mood, highlighting the nostalgia and warmth of remembered youth.

The dance begins with the three dancers holding hands and moving around in a circle, reminiscent of the childhood game "Ring Around the Rosie." This opening gesture sets a playful and vibrant tone for the piece. Throughout the performance, the dancers interact with each other as if they are reenacting childhood games. They also tap the floor as if playing together, and lift each other's legs and arms, adding to the sense of playful tone and the joy of shared, carefree moments. 

A notable element of the piece is the use of a rug as a prop, symbolizing the transition between childhood and adulthood. The rug serves as a tangible representation of the contrasting stages of life, grounding the dancers’ movements in a space that is at once familiar and distant, reminiscent of a time when life was simpler.

Sanchez’s choreography masterfully blends lighthearted moments with deeper reflections, using both movement and props to explore the tension between the carefree world of childhood and the complexities of adult life. "The Little Wonders of Our Little World" is an invitation to its audience to reconnect with the magic of their inner child, even as they navigate the demands of grown-up responsibilities.


Rosari Sarasvaty


Photo Credit:
Elyse Mertz

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