Dance News: WestFest 2019 - Applications Now Open! Apply Now for "WestFest Top Floor" and "WestFest All over Westbeth"

Deadline To Apply For 'WestFest Top Floor' And 'WestFest All Over Westbeth' Is January 13, 2019
Calling all artists! WestFest Dance Festival is looking for a variety of outstanding emerging and mid-career dance artists with strong artistic vision, high level of artistry and performance quality. Applicants are welcome to submit multiple pieces for Top Floor. Submission forms close on January 13th at 11:59PM.

WestFest Top Floor
(April 25th - 28th at 8PM)
A series of fully produced dance concerts held in Westbeth’s legendary top floor studio currently home to the Martha Graham Dance Company and formerly to Merce Cunningham Dance Company. Each artist will have the opportunity to show a new work or revision of recent piece (8 minute max) in two nights of shared performance.
This year, each artist who is accepted will receive free production costs. The rental fee of this historic venue as well as production expenses are covered!
- An opportunity to present work in a beautiful dance space full of history.
- Two (2) fully-produced performances of work (8 min max) from Thursday, April 25th to Sunday, April 28th, 2019
- 20min tech rehearsal slot week of April 22rd
- Publicity and digital marketing materials for the event
- 2-3 High-resolution edited photos
- Video of performance

WestFest All Over Westbeth
(April 27th - 28th from 2PM-4:30PM)
Calling creative choreographers interested in investigating possibilities of modifing dance through the use of alternative spaces. Each artist will be assigned a unique space in and around the Westbeth building in which they will have the opportunity to rehearse and build a dance. Artists must create one 4-5 minutes dance work that can be performed multiple times for groups of audiences touring the sites.
On the day of the show groups of audience members will be guided from site to site to see the dances all over the building. Past sites have included Westbeth’s inner and outer courtyards, long hallways, spiral staircases, the gallery space, boiler room, the rooftop, and the Martha Graham Studio Theater.
Choreographers are required to be at all of the following meetings, rehearsals, as well as performance dates listed below. Choreographers who fail to attend any of the dates below will be taken off the program.
Sat Feb 9, 12:30 - 4:00PM
Sat March 9, 12:30 - 4:00PM
Sun April 14, 12:30 - 4:00PM
Sat April 27th, 12:00 - 4:30PM
Sun April 28th, 12:00 - 4:30PM
Please note that as Westbeth is a residential building you may only rehearse in your site during designated rehearsal times.
- An opportunity to present site-specific work in an innovative space full of history.
- Two (2) site-specific performances on Saturday, April 27th to Sunday, April 28th, 2019.
- Publicity and digital marketing materials for the event
- 2-3 High-resolution edited photos
- Video of performance
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