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Postcards: Dance Documentary On Israeli Vertigo Dance Company-RENEWAL

Postcards: Dance Documentary On Israeli Vertigo Dance Company-RENEWAL

By Stacey Menchel Kussell

Published on August 7, 2013
Elad Debi, Stacey Menchel

A Dance Documentary in an Eco Arts Village with Dance Enthusiast Contributor Stacey Menchel Kussell

Renewal - A Film about Art and Ecology -Creating Sustainable Dance in the Holy Land

A postcard from Dance Enthusiast writer turned documentarian, Stacey Menchel Kussell

Renewal profiles Vertigo, a Jerusalem-based dance company that fuses dance routine with an ecological existence. The film follows the group as they build an eco-arts village to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle. The process of becoming green forces the dancers and their families to reconsider their art, their values, and their place in the Holy Land.


stacey menchel kussell with cameram man

Stacey Menchel Kussell on set with Camera Man ,Photo Stacey Menchel Kussell



The crew of Renewal

The crew of Renewal , Photo Elad Debi


Renewal features the company during performance, rehearsals, and interviews. Scenes reveal on-site footage of gray water recycling, mud building, and permaculture at the Vertigo Eco-Arts Village. Renewal reveals the day-to-day lives of dancers dedicated to renewing our world.


The Dancers in a beautiful lift on dirt

Vertigo Dance Company , Photo Elad Debi

Click the following link, to view the film's trailer: A Film About Art And Ecology Watch the film, share it with friends, and join Stacey in her love of dance and Earth!


two dancers performing on dirt under a tent Vertigo dance company

Vertigo Dance Company ,Photo Elad Debi



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