Graciela Kozak
Born in Argentina and trained at the Teatro Colón of Buenos Aires, Graciela Kozak has danced with the Bat-Dor and Bat- Sheva companies in Israel, and the Peridance Ensemble in NYC. Kozak has spent the past 35 years teaching ballet in the Big Apple; on this note, she presently teaches at Peridance Center (since 1985) and at the Alvin Ailey School (faculty since 2002). A polyglot whose classes are attended by students from all over the world, she crafts classes for dancers of all backgrounds, accentuates the prevention of injuries through correct alignment, and stresses placement, breathing, dynamics, musicality, vocabulary, use of space, and most importantly, the joy of dancing. Follow her on Instagram at @graciela_kozak.
Image captions & credits: Cover image of Graciela Kozak teaching dance; photo courtesy of the artist | Headshot by Hallee Bernstein.
Larry Keigwin
A native New Yorker, choreographer and curator, Larry Keigwin has danced his way from the Metropolitan Opera to Broadway and back. As Artistic Director of Keigwin + Company, Keigwin has created 30 works, from Elements (2008) — composed of 4 individual pieces titled Water, Fire, Earth and Air) — to Rhapsody (2023), a community work that activate parks as an essential gathering places while inviting audiences to experience their parks, in addition to the large-scale community project, Bolero, which has been commissioned in 16 communities nationwide. Follow him on Instagram at @larry_keigwin.
Image captions & credits: Cover image of Larry Keigwin posing and headshot by Whitney Browne.
What made you decide to enter this profession?
The first time I put my hand on a barre in a Ballet class, I was 4 years old. I never stopped being involved in dance since then.
I decided on becoming a professional dancer, because it was something I was really good at. I learned at an early age that I could dance and was a very physically curious person.
Who has been the biggest influence on your life and why?
My mother was the biggest influence in my life. She was very wise, always truthful, made sacrifices to help me achieve my dream, and was my best friend.
I guess my mother has been the most influential person or in my life because she was the one who originally drove me to dance classes every day in high school.
I can always rely on __________ to cheer up.
I can always rely on Art to cheer up.
I can always rely on my partner, Christian Keesee, and all my friends to cheer me up.
I practice self-care by __________.
Cooking my meals, watching fun movies or TV series, giving myself a break, and expressing gratitude daily.
I practice self-care by taking a bath almost every day, going to yoga, and respecting my body by exercising daily.
Pets or plants. Either way, why and what kind?
I am a plant lover, mostly greens. and have many at home in every room. It always amazes me to observe nature, which is soothing, and indoor gardening can be very healing.
Definitely pets. I have killed all my plants. We have three adorable pugs at home.
Cooking or eating out? Either way, what is your favorite meal?
I cook meals of different cultures. One of my favorites is pasta with homemade pesto, shrimps and asparagus. Occasionally, I eat out and have something I don't usually make.
Definitely eating out; I haven’t cooked a meal in 20 years. By favorite meal do you mean my favorite meal or my calorie appropriate meal? Chicken Parmesan with a side of steamed broccoli and spaghetti.
If you could relive the past or catch a glimpse of the future, which would you pick and why?
I would catch a glimpse of the future to see how medicine evolves to cure illnesses, the advances of technology, and to see if mankind learns lessons from the past, and if we can live in a more peaceful world.
I think I’d rather relive moments in the past than catch a glimpse of the future. The present is best, but the future sometimes makes me nervous.
What is your personal approach to handling challenging people or situations?
I will try to engage in conversation when possible, diffuse tension with humor, and give the benefit of doubt to both sides. Many times, the truth is somewhere in the middle.
My personal approach to handling challenging people or situations is to walk away. They say you either fight, freeze or flee — I’m very good at fleeing.
How has your personal life changed since the pandemic?
It was very hard not to see my family for 18 months. I learned to be more patient, tolerant and grateful for everything!
I would say that since the pandemic, I have put more value on my personal life, my relationship with my friends, my partner and my family.
How has your art or approach towards art changed since the pandemic?
We all had to adjust and learn new ways. Remote teaching or learning is not ideal, but an incredibly helpful tool. Teaching full classes for students dancing in individual 6-feet squares was challenging. Now, moving freely in spaces with no masks on feels liberating.
Besides the fact that everything went to video and I had a lot of success creating on Zoom, I would say that the pandemic gave me time to reevaluate my creative objectives.
What is the last show you saw and loved?
Hubbard Street Dance and Batsheva Dance Company, my alma matter.
I just saw Pina Bausch the other day at the Brooklyn Academy of Music and absolutely loved it.
What is your pre-performance (as a spectator or a performer) ritual?
Before a show, I'd do my hair, makeup, and then take a hot shower before warm ups.
I used to have a physical pre-performance ritual. but now it’s more about socializing in the green room.
I wish I could be a fly on the wall for this moment in dance history: __________.
I would have loved to see Marius Petipa creating ballets!
The premiere of The Rite of Spring (May 29, 1913).
I have / have had the most fun performing __________’s choreography or trying out this genre of dance _____________.
I was lucky to work with some of the best choreographers of the 20th century, and enjoyed them all!
I have had the most fun performing the choreography of Chezzam Entertainment at bar mitzvahs and weddings.
Is there a book, podcast or TV program you recommend to others and why?
Speaking a few languages, I find Netflix provides a good variety of programs, films and documentaries in national and international platforms.
Yes, if you want to escape, I would highly recommend White Lotus as a thrilling vacation drama.
This city or country is the best place I have ever been to for art: __________.
To be honest, I think there is an incredible amount of great art and culture to be seen in the USA, but right now, I’m in Japan and preparing myself for some exciting art adventures.
Which social media app are you most drawn to?
I am most drawn to Instagram and it in particular, stories.
What advice do you have for young people in your field?
Do the work consistently and enjoy the training time as part of your journey. Remember, we all have good and bad days with laughter and tears. But when we get to perform it's magical to hear "on stage please"!
My advice to young people in the field is to put your blinders on and go for it!
How can we amplify the voices of overlooked and deserving artists?
By offering more platforms for those artists to create. Also, by giving them economical support to focus on their work without having to hold many side jobs to make ends meet.
By promoting them and giving them opportunities to share their work and artistry.
How do you spread enthusiasm about dance?
By reminding everyone that dance is community and support. It's energizing and an endless source of inspiration.
I spread enthusiasm about dance on a daily basis in conversations with people I meet, but I also shared my enthusiasm of dance by dancing and by spontaneously erupting into a “dance attack” when the inspiration strikes.