From The Horse's Mouth Honors Dance Legend Gus Solomons Jr

Carmen de Lavallade, Dianne McIntyre and Martine van Hamel Join More Than 25 Artists in Tribute
In celebration of his career as dancer, choreographer, actor, writer and educator, From the Horse’s Mouth will dedicate its next theater/dance performance event to Gus Solomons jr, a pioneer and dance legend whose life-long accomplishments exemplify a storied career spanning more than 60 years.

The weekend celebration, at 8pm on Friday, April 1 and 2, and 3pm on Sunday, April 3, will include three performances of From the Horse’s Mouth at the Theater at the 14th Street Y. Over twenty-five dancers, choreographers, critics and friends of the legendary dancer will participate. The production will also include a special “Talk Back” with Mr. Solomons, hosted by Wendy Perron, former editor-in-chief of Dance Magazine, on Wednesday, March 30, 4-5:30pm in the same location.
Rare film footage, videos and multimedia will enhance this edition of From the Horse’s Mouth unique blend of movement and storytelling. The productions have a simple structure: a cast member tells a personal story, and then performs movement of their own choosing, sometimes interacting with another dancer. Through the sharing of personal experiences by cast members, an insightful portrait of the charismatic and much-loved Gus Solomons jr will emerge. The intimate From the Horse’s Mouth format provides the ideal vehicle in which to celebrate Gus’ extraordinary life and legacy.

An MIT alum, Solomons danced with Pearl Lang, Donald McKayle, Martha Graham, and Merce Cunningham. In 2000, received a "Bessie"for Sustained Achievement in Choreography; in 2001, the first Robert A. Muh Award for a distinguished M.I.T. artist/alumnus; in 2004, the American Dance Festival’s Balasaraswati/Joy Ann Dewey Beinecke Endowed Chair for Distinguished Teaching; in 2006-7, he was a national Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar. In 2010, Solomons received another Bessie Award for PARADIGM, his troupe of dancers over 50.
More details about the event in our listings.