A Postcard from Company Stefanie Batten Bland

A Postcard from Company Stefanie Batten Bland

Published on December 19, 2012

Ringing in 2013 with Free Dance for Everyone at The Brooklyn Museum

Stefanie Batten Bland sends us a Postcard:

On The Germination of Germe
and Preparing a Family Performance for The Brooklyn Museum on January 5th, 2013

December 21,2012


Germe Choreographed by Stefanie Batten Bland,  Dancer:  Mistral Hay , Photo by Jean Claude Dhien

Stefanie Batten Bland Writes:

Dear Dance Enthusiast,

Welcome to the world of GERME. The following photos illustrate the newest piece I am currently in the studio working on and preparing for the Brooklyn Museum show on January 5th. What a way to start off the new year!

GERME is the beginning of something... The bulb of an idea, from a petri dish, or a light going off in one's head it is the germ before we deem it negative or positive.

The costume in the above picture is by Buffy Price- Director of Dance at GMU. It is made from furniture upholstery finishing. I had been looking for something to rearrange space and echo our own movements. Buffy had been inspired by a creation she was in by Nancy Meehan and had already made this piece. She let me jump inside and I felt at home. I was able to cut space and I felt incorporating this costume/piece into mine would help me accomplish my goals of GERME.




Germe Choreographed by Stefanie Batten Bland,  Dancer:  Mistral Hay , Photo by Jean Claude Dhien

The dancer in these pictures is Mistral Hay, an exquisite person and artist that I have been trying to get into our flock for two years. I have always had her in mind for GERME as she is so petite and yet so expansive. This is a great contrast to have within one's self and coming from a 5'10 body perspective working with such a small person was a great challenge to dive into.

Those are the types of people I'm attracted to work with. My group is often faulted for being too handsome: I love that fault. I don't see it as  exterior beauty that they are cited for, rather, it's their sensitivity that makes them beautiful. My work demands soft power to be present and occupy the moment when movement happens. Their humble and vulnerable approach allows their technique to be the vehicle necessary for a creation to pass through and be shared. I like the intersection of dancer and performer. That space where we meet is magical and the dancers' "dance" is often the least important aspect to me. I look for "what" makes the dancer dance.

Because this is something we all share.







Germe Choreographed by Stefanie Batten Bland,  Dancer:  Mistral Hay , Photo by Jean Claude Dhien

As a kid from Soho, NYC with artists for parents, I was dragged, bundled and bounced from gallery, to jam session, to TV studio, to play, to performance and concert hall since before understanding that this was an extra circular activity for most to do on a weekend.   So, the fact that the Brooklyn Museum asked my company to open their Target Family Series for the first weekend of 2013 is just a huge treat!

I believe every member of a household can find something engaging within our work. They  will be be able to ask questions, and experience several generations together ( parents, kids, grandparents).  To me, this  is what community and dance is about.





Germe Choreographed by Stefanie Batten Bland,  Dancer:  Mistral Hay , Photo by Jean Claude Dhien


About the  Brooklyn Museum' s Free Target First Saturdays Show on January 5th , I would say to potential audience members , "Come discover a world of innovation, take a thought provoking journey where the definition of performer and spectator intersect and gorgeous, athletic physical work invites all members of a household to feel something new."





Company Stephanie Batten Bland's Schedule:

After their  Target First Saturday's Performance at The Brooklyn Museum  Company SBB  will perform at  APAP on Jan 14th at 2pm- City Center- NYC
Then a  Tour to Murfreesbrough Tennessee 
Martinique, West Indies Tour
Stefanie Batten Bland will be a guest artist at Rutgers in the Spring of 2013
Ailey ll continues to tour Batten Bland's Legacy of Inheritance 
Batten Bland Choreographs for Zenon of Minneapolis in 2013 
Batten Band works with Transitions Dance Company in London, England
Check out Company Stefanie Batten Bland's new website for more:  csbb.biz





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