Lori Belilove Discusses Isadora Duncan's " Slow March" with Christine Jowers

The Dance Enthusiast Spends A Day with Lori Belilove and The Isadora Duncan Dance Company

Larry Keigwin, One of our Favorite Enthusiasts, on Getting Out of His Comfort Zone

Richard Alston, celebrated choreographer and artistic director of The Place in London

more Avi Scher as the choreographer prepares his 2011 NYC Season

The Dance Enthusiast Asks - Avi Scher

The Dance Enthusiast-Barefootnotes- Keigwin on "EXIT"

Talking Shop with Choreographer Larry Keigwin

A Dance Enthusiast Outtake - with Larry Keigwin

A Day in the Life of Dance- New York Theatre Ballet

Barefootnotes-Parsons Dance-Behind The Scenes

Catherine Miller

Stuart Hodes Talks About Martha Graham with Christine Jowers

Ice Theater of New York - Part 4

Robert Battle - Part 2