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A Postcard from Vanessa Tamburi, Artistic Director and Co-Founder of ITALIAN DANCE CONNECTION

A Postcard from Vanessa Tamburi, Artistic Director and Co-Founder of ITALIAN DANCE CONNECTION

Published on May 16, 2016
Vanessa Tamburi; Photo: Gaetano Alfano

As IDACO nyc Festival Returns to New York this Month

Italian Dance Connection (IDACO nyc) Festival will return to The Sheen Center May 25-28. For ticket information, go to The Sheen Center website.

We’re excited that our second annual IDACO nyc Festival will return to New York City this May, allowing Italian artists and their New York counterparts to share their unique paths though movement, choreography and the visual arts.

My Festival co-founder Enzo Celli and I are thrilled to be able to bring together over 20 dance companies, artists and filmmakers visiting and living in NY, and NY artists who want to take part in a dialogue with Italian and international culture. Dance workshops, creative residencies, thematic roundtables, site specifics and dance performances are all included in this year’s Festival, creating space for new collaborations and a supportive, inspiring and creative environment for dancers, movers, performance artists, video artists, musicians and all creative people interested in the "art of movement." Our theme this year, ID-ENTITIES, hopes to inspire a better understanding of cultural diversity.

A man sits in a white chair while another hovers over him
DaCru Dance Company; Photo: Carla Falconetti

We’ve decided to divide the IDACO Festival performances into two parts – the “IDACO Experience,” which will feature the work of established artists, and the “IDACO Experiment” which will highlight the experimental work of young, emerging Italian/international choreographers and artists. All performances will take place at the new Sheen Center black box theater in Manhattan’s Nolita neighborhood, over four nights May 25 to May 28. Six dance companies will be performing in the US for the first time, and there will be four world premieres! Film screenings will include four dance films never before seen in the US, and dance performances during intermission will add to the mix.

Dancers perform a grided stage and wear shiny pants
KoDance; Photo: Giulia Federico

We’d like to thank our partner, the Italian Cultural Institute, for hosting our opening reception and dance demo on Tuesday, May 24th at their Park Avenue location, and IDACO partners FLUSSO dance project, Vivo Ballet, Annabella Lenzu, DanceDrama, Umanism, Mare Nostrum Elements/ECS and Valentina Celada, and sponsors Birra Moretti, 37/LAINES, Von, Technogym, Arvero and Quartino for all of their support.

A trio clusters upstage. Their shadows are cast on the back wall.
FLUSSO dance project; Photo: Marie Noyale

We hope the IDACO nyc will be a thrilling dance event while providing new artistic opportunities for all who participate. If we inspire our participating artists to CONNECT, then our IDACO nyc Festival 2016 will be a success!

Anabella Lenzu stands around a white table holding a white scarf.
Anabella Lenzu Dance Drama; Photo by Todd Caroll

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