Ich, Kürbisgeist -Just in time for Halloween
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Fans and critics laud Big Dance Theater for their bold fusion of text, dance, music, and visual design. Formed in 1991 under the artistic direction of Paul Lazar and Annie-B Parson, Big Dance Theater has created over 20 dance theater works, taking inspiration from literary sources as varied as Mark Twain, Euripides, and Gustave Flaubert. Winners of "Bessie" Awards ( New York Dance and Performance Awards) in 2002 and 2010, they are are equally beloved by theater and dance audiences for their entrancing works.
Big Dance Theater on The Making of Big Dance Theater
Just in time for Halloween, Big Dance Theater will present their acclaimed 2012 work, Ich, Kürbisgeist, at New York Live Arts in collaboration with playwright Sibyl Kempson and members of Big Dance Theater. Originally premiering at The Chocolate Factory, Ich, Kürbisgeist features five individuals residing in a severe and unforgiving landscape who face imminent destruction from terrifying forces. Coarse, urgent, and sometimes farcical, the quintet — attired in outlandishly evocative costumes by visual artist Suzanne Bocanegra — speaks a made-up dialect that borrows from English, Swedish, German, and Sid Caeser. It is wholly original, yet surprisingly understandable.
Creating the World of Ich, Kürbisgeist
The action of Ich, Kürbisgeist operates in a non-traditional viewing format: The audience, centrally arranged in swivel chairs, can pivot themselves to catch the diverse array of events. Inventive movement, text, and music invite those watching into a celebration of absurdity, girded with mastery and rigor.
NEW YORK LIVE ARTS presents Ich, Kürbisgeist - For tickets/and more info click NEW YORK LIVE ARTS
Big Dance Theater (for more info on Big Dance Theater click BIG DANCE THEATER)
Ich, Kürbisgeist
October 31-November 2, 5-9 at 7:30pm
November 1, 2, 8, 9 at 10pm