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New York City Dance Alliance Foundation presents "Destiny Rising"

New York City Dance Alliance Foundation presents "Destiny Rising"


New York City Dance Alliance Foundation


The Joyce Theater
175 Eigth Avenue
New York, NY 10011


Monday, March 4, 2024 - 7:30pm



New York City Dance Alliance Foundation

New York City Dance Alliance Foundation (NYCDAF) is thrilled to announce the return of Destiny Rising at the Joyce Theater on March 4, 2024. A multi-disciplinary and multi-generational celebration of dance, the evening champions the work of the New York City Dance Alliance Foundation, founded by Executive Director Joe Lanteri in 2010 to support the next generation of professional dancers through scholarships for secondary and college education.

An event that offers the story of a dancer’s poignant journey from student to professional, the program welcomes young dance students from Downtown Dance Factory (Manhattan), Brava Dance (Rye, NY), and more than fifty Foundation scholarship recipients from 2023 — recent graduates from high school or in their first year of college—to present a world premiere by NYCDA alumna, Broadway performer, and film actress Ida Saki. Joining them are the dance programs from Pace University and the University of Arizona Tucson, both college partners of the Foundation, and professional performances from Complexions Contemporary Ballet and Parsons Dance, with more to be announced. Since the Foundation’s inaugural Destiny Rising event in 2010, performances by artists from companies including American Ballet Theatre, Ballet Hispanico, New York City Ballet, the Martha Graham Dance Company, and more, have played a pivotal role in championing the mission of the New York City Dance Alliance Foundation and contributing to the continued success of this annual celebration.

With all proceeds from ticket sales and additional donations throughout the evening, NYCDAF remains steadfast in its commitment to invest in the future of professional dancers. To date, NYCDAF has awarded over $4.5 million to more than 500 gifted teenagers, supporting their pursuit of secondary and college education through an annual nationwide audition for rising seniors and recent high school graduates. This audition, conducted in partnership with more than a dozen esteemed college collaborators, has become a gateway for these talented individuals to access funds for their post-high school education. The recipients of these scholarships have gone on to make significant contributions to Broadway, concert dance companies worldwide, film, and television.

Destiny Rising embodies the spirit of our Foundation, illustrating the transformative journey of aspiring dancers—from dedicated students to accomplished professionals,” notes Lanteri. “This evening is a testament to the collective dedication of the New York City Dance Alliance Foundation and its profound impact on scholarships, education, and inclusive access. Here's to another year of fostering dreams, and to the countless stories yet to be written with your generous support.”

As the pioneering force behind dance education, New York City Dance Alliance has nurtured and established the New York City Dance Alliance Foundation, working hand in hand to shape the future of dance education and support aspiring dancers. Celebrating its 30th milestone season, the New York City Dance Alliance continues to be a guiding force, fostering excellence in dance and paving the way for the next generation of talented performers.

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