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Movement Research’s 45th Anniversary Gala, honoring Ralph Lemon and Sarah Michelson!

Movement Research’s 45th Anniversary Gala, honoring Ralph Lemon and Sarah Michelson!

Movement Research

We are so excited to announce the performers for Movement Research’s 45th Anniversary Gala,
honoring Ralph Lemon and Sarah Michelson!

Join us at 8pm for featured performances by:

Angie Pittman, Bebe Miller, David Thomson,
Gillian Walsh, Ishmael Houston-Jones,
Jeremy Nelson, Jonathan González, Julie Atlas Muz,
Kaz K Sherman,Ley Gambucci, Malcolm x-Betts,
Mike Iveson, Neil Greenberg, Nile Harris,
Okwui Okpokwasili, Paul Hamilton, Peter Born,
Stanley Love Performance Group, 
Wally Cardona, and Will Rawls!

Stick around after the performances for the
best dance party of the year! 
We can’t wait to see you on the dance floor!

Still haven't purchased your ticket?

Tickets for the cocktail hour and dinner will close on:
Friday October 13th, 2023 11:59PM ET
and are available on a first come first serve basis!

Tickets for the performance and dance party
will be available until:
Monday October 16th, 2023 11:59PM ET.


Ticket Options:

Tickets for Cocktail Hour, Dinner, Performance,
and Dance Party! 

Visionary Ticket - $2,500
Benefactor Ticket - $1,000
Patron Ticket - $500
Supporter Ticket - $300
Artist Ticket - $200

Tickets for the Performance, and Dance Party! 
Reserved Seating for Performance - $100
Standing Room for Performance - $45

Tickets for the Dance Party!
General Admission - $25



45th Anniversary Sponsorship Packages:

Your Sponsorship will support the
 Ralph Lemon and Sarah Michelson 2023 Gala Fund:
Movement Research Capital Campaign and reserve a Gala Table for you and 9 guests!

Full package details available on our website

If you are interested in being an event Sponsor,
please contact Elle Cherry, Development Manager,
for questions and contributions for sponsors at ellecherry@movementresearch.org.

Want to avoid the Credit Card fee for all Gala purchases?

Payments can also be sent through Zelle or Check. Please confirm how you intend to pay via email email to gala@movementresearch.org so that we can correctly contact details.

Zelle payments must be sent to gala@movementresearch.org. Please include a clear memo including Name, and Ticket type (e.g. Nancy Drew, Supporter ticket)

Check payments can be mailed to Movement Research 150 First Ave. New York NY, 10009 Attention: Gala. Please make your check payable to Movement Research, Inc and note Fund in memo.


Interested in VOLUNTEERING?
In exchange for their help, volunteers get free entry to the performance/party portion of the event, which includes an open bar, performances and speeches, and of course, the best dance party of the year! Every person who helps out at our gala is crucial and deeply appreciated. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out this form, or email gala@movementresearch.org. 

We can’t wait to see you there!!


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