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What For? Why Not?

What For? Why Not?


Various artists


Triskelion Arts
Brooklyn, NY


Thursday, March 30, 2017 - 8:00pm daily through April 1, 2017
Thursday, April 6, 2017 - 8:00pm daily through April 8, 2017

Various artists

Don't miss What For? Why Not?, a unique series of six mixed-discipline programs juxtaposing dance, music, spoken word and visual art. In an effort to foster dialogue and shared whimsy, Peter Kyle is curating this new initiative over two weekends this spring.

What For? Why Not?
March 30-April 1, 2017 & April 6-8, 2017
Triskelion Arts

Featuring these fabulous artists:
Patti Bradshaw
Michael Bellar
Vienna Carroll
Martin Dockery
Holley Farmer
Marielis Garcia
Scott Giguere
Ryan Keberle
Caleb Nussear
Christine Sciulli & Jaanika Peerna
JJ Sulin
Jason Charles Walker


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Are you going to see this show, or have you seen it? Share "your" review here on The Dance Enthusiast. Your words are valuable. They help artists, educate audiences, and support the dance field in general. There is no need to be a professional critic. Just click through to our Audience Review Section and you will have the option to write free-form, or answer our helpful Enthusiast Review Questionnaire, or if you feel creative, even write a haiku review. So join the conversation.

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