"WE," an Evening-Length Collaboration between Emily Coates and Emmanuèle Phuon
Kaatsbaan Cultural Park
Kaatsbaan Cultural Park will present a Spring Festival over three consecutive weekends, beginning June 2 and running through June 19, 2023 taking place both outdoors across its 153-acres in the Hudson Valley as well as in its indoor Theater. The multi-disciplinary festival will feature dance, live music, film screenings, nature walks, culinary conversations, and an art installation curated by Hilary Greene. Member presale for tickets begins on March 21, 2023 at https://ci.ovationtix.com/36035.
WE, an evening-length collaboration between Emily Coates and Emmanuèle Phuon
June 17 and 18, at 4pm and 7pm
General Admission, $25
Member Pre-Sale begins Tuesday, March 21
General On-Sale Date begins Monday, May 1
WE is an evening-length collaboration between Emily Coates and Emmanuèle Phuon, both former dancers of Mikhail Baryshnikov’s and Yvonne Rainer’s companies. The performance combines storytelling in movement, words and images, taking place both indoors on a theatrical stage and outdoors in selected natural settings. The landscapes serve as a character in the work, reflecting on themes of animism, ecology, and astronomy through the mediums of postmodern dance and Cambodian classical dance. The artists use their memories and shared experiences to provoke the audience, leaving them with a heightened sensitivity to the environment around them. The work is powerful, necessary, and immediate yet primordial at the same time. Emmanuèle Phuon's work is directed by Vincent Dunoyer and performed by Emmanuèle Phuon and Amelia Dawe Sanders. Emily Coates' work is directed by Ain Gordon and performed by Charlie Burnham, Emily Coates, and Derek Lucci.
Program A begins outdoors (Phuon) and moves indoors (Coates) Total Run Time: 69 min
Program B starts indoors (Phuon) and ends outdoors (Coates) Total Run Time: 69 min
Kaatsbaan has a no refund policy. Ticket insurance is available upon checkout.
About Kaatsbaan Cultural Park
The mission of Kaatsbaan Cultural Park is to provide an extraordinary environment for cultural innovation and excellence. As both an incubator for creativity and presenter for world-class artists in dance, theater, music, film, poetry, culinary and visual arts, Kaatsbaan provides artists with state-of-the-art dance studios, accommodations, an indoor theater, and two outdoor stages. Sitting on 153 Hudson River-adjacent acres, Kaatsbaan is free of urban facilities' space and time constraints, allowing for exciting levels of artistic exploration, creative action, and achievement – just two hours north of New York City. Kaatsbaan Cultural Park is committed to the advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the arts as we aim to present, promote, and embrace programming that accurately reflects our society. We encourage a broadly diverse group of individuals to participate in our programs and join our Board and Staff and insist on being inclusive of all peoples regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, socio-economic background, physical or mental ability.
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