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SEATTLE, WA: Spectrum Dance Theater presents "Love Is... Iteration #7"

SEATTLE, WA: Spectrum Dance Theater presents "Love Is... Iteration #7"


Spectrum Dance Theater


Madrona Studio Theater
800 Lake Washington BLVD
Seattle, WA 98122


Tuesday, May 24, 2022 - 8:00pm
Wednesday, May 25, 2022 - 8:00pm



Spectrum Dance Theater

Love Is… Iteration #7 is a collaboration between DConstruction Arts and the Spectrum Dance Theater Company. In its original format as conceived and presented in its previous 6 iterations by DConstruction Arts, Love Is was an interactive circus arts theater experience that explored the Circus Arts performers’ personal definitions of love each followed by a solo in their particular circus skill. However, in this iteration with Spectrum Dance Theater, it is a post-modernist dance theater, multimedia, docu-dance experience. This highly collaborative new work utilizes the Spectrum dancers’ personal notions of love, movement created by them, processed, manipulated, and arranged by choreographer and Artistic Director Donald Byrd; audio and video elements by DConstruction Arts co-artistic directors Tavi Stutz and Jane Rose; as well as a perspective on “mother’s love” by frequent Spectrum collaborator vocalist Josephine Howell.

DConstructionArts is a Los Angeles-based arts org created and headed by co-artistic directors Tavi Stutz and Jane Rose. This organization aims to combine the arts of circus, theater, and multimedia to tell stories that entertain audiences, enrich lives and inspire people to think about their place in the world and how to make a positive difference.

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