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Global Water Dances NY

Global Water Dances NY


Global Water Dances


The Waterfront Museum
290 Conover Street
Red Hook, NY 11231


Saturday, June 24, 2017 - 12:00pm



Global Water Dances


* Natasha Alhadeff-Jones, BIGBANGDANCE
* Lauren Butler, Resonant Dance Collective
* Jehan Kamal, Bellydance America
* Mindy Levokove, Mindy Levokove & Dancers
Deirdre Towers, Bell 8 – http://belleight.com/
Website l-8-seascape-deirdre-towers-june-1-july-1-free-open-hours

History of Site and Related Water Issues:

Due to the shipping industry’s shift to container operations outside of the Port of New York, the consequential abandonment of waterfront railroad systems brought about the obsolescence of the Hudson River Barge.
In 1985, less than a dozen covered railroad barges remained intact. The majority of these were renovated for boat club use, marina breakwaters, etc. The Lehigh Valley Railroad Barge Number 79 is an excellent representative type of the Hudson River Railroad Barge, and she survives in original condition. She is a rarity based not only upon her historical significance and social impact, but also upon her pristine state of preservation. Today, the Lehigh Valley No. 79 represents the only surviving all-wooden example of the Hudson River Railroad Barge from the Lighterage Age (1860-1960) that remains afloat and accessible to the general public


Acoustic Storm by Joshua Messico, Hammered Dulcimer & Cello Duet by Joshua Messico & Max Dyer, Birdwing by Riley Lee, Strike by Epic Taiko Ensemble, and Till the End of Time by Stephan Micus
Donald Vails Choraleer’s The Storm is Passing Over
Live drums
Nicolas Soto Urrea
Marcus Wise/Mystic Warriors

The Performance:

Section I: Opening Ceremony (11:30-12:00)
– Welcome/Introductions/Acknowledgements by Deirdre Towers & Natasha Alhadeff-Jones
– History of the Waterfront Museum by Captain David
– Environmental information by Greta Zarro of Food & Water Watch
– Environmental information by Matthew Malina of NYC H20
– Invocation as Water Spirit by Sharon Azar
(Water is Life – Mni Wiconi by Sara Thomson)
Section II: Local Dances (12:00-12:40)
1.Title: Dance of the Ancient Mariner

Company: Resonant Dance Collective (Lauren Butler, Artistic Director)
Dancers: (Soraïa Scicchitano and Alexandra Zepeda)

2.Title: Tidal Estuary

Company: Mindy Levokove & Dancers
Dancers: Evie Ivy as Water, Mindy Levokove as Fish, Natasha & Noemie Alhadeff-Jones as Trash, and Nancy Zendora as Night
Music: Acoustic Storm by Joshua Messico, Hammered Dulcimer & Cello Duet by Joshua Messico & Max Dyer, Birdwing by Riley Lee, Strike by Epic Taiko Ensemble, and Till the End of Time by Stephan Micus

3. Title: After the Storm

Company #1: BIGBANGDANCE (Natasha Alhadeff-Jones, Artistic Director)
Dancers: Natasha Alhadeff-Jones
Music: Donald Vails Choraleer’s The Storm is Passing Over
Company #2: Bellydance America (Jehan Kemal, Artistic Director)
Number of dancers: 15-20
Music: Live drums

Section III: Global Dance (12:40-12:50)

Dancers: All dancers;
Music: Nicolas Soto Urrea

Section IV: Participatory Dance (12:50-1:00)

Dancers: Dancers & Audience;
Music: Marcus Wise/Mystic Warriors.

Deirdre Towers’ BELL 8 Exhibition (1:00-1:20)

Liquid-moving & Sensorial Viewing (All dancers led by Sasha Smith)

Exhibited within The Waterfront Museum is Deirdre Towers’ BELL 8, a meditative, immersive installation named after a navigational buoy in Long Island Sound. This sea ‘scape attempts to inspire the sense of expansion and bliss one has afloat, while exploring our own complicated relationship with water. BELL 8 offers a chance to flip mental, spiritual gears, to re-charge, and sail off into the unknown.
Within the three films is a wake-up call to recognize the abuse we have wrought on the sea and attempts to heal it.

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