"Annex Vol. III," an Interdisciplinary Dance by Tushrik Fredericks and Tsohil Bhatia
Annex Vol. III: Tushrik Fredericks & Tsohil Bhatia
MICHIYAYA’s Annex series is a repertory initiative curating emerging choreographers with visual artists to create a new work with dance artists of MICHIYAYA.
Annex Vol. III features a new performance work featuring MICHIYAYA Dance Artists with choreography by Tushrik Fredericks in collaboration with visual/performance artist Tsohil Bhatia.
MICHIYAYA Dance will perform a 60-minute work by Princess Grace award-winning choreographer and dance artist Tushrik Fredericks in collaboration with internationally recognized visual/performance artist Tsohil Bhatia. Tushrik’s highly corporeal and rhythmic movement explores how physical limitations, transcendence, and abstraction intertwine. Tsohil works with their body and its ghost to develop performative inquiries of their surroundings as well as meditations on the everyday. Together they will create an innovative new work with MICHIYAYA’s four dance artists.
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