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An Evening with Anabella Lenzu: Dance Film Screening & Conversation about Motherhood and Art Making (FREE)

An Evening with Anabella Lenzu: Dance Film Screening & Conversation about Motherhood and Art Making (FREE)


Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama


Carroll Hall
2 Vandervoort Place
Brooklyn, NY 11237


Wednesday, May 31, 2023 - 6:30pm



Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama

Carroll Hall Presents

An Evening with Artist Anabella Lenzu:
Dance Film Screening and Conversation about Motherhood and Art Making

IN-PERSON Event Wednesday, May 31st at 6:30pm (EDT)
at Carroll Hall (2 Vandervoort Place Brooklyn, NY 11237)

Free Admission | RSVP required


The event will highlight four award-winning short dance films and an intimate conversation with choreographer and filmmaker Anabella Lenzu.

How do we navigate the unbalanced life of a parent / artist? 

What makes a good mother? What makes a good artist?

The dance films reflect Anabella Lenzu’s experience as an artist living in New York and come from a deep examination of her motivations as a woman, mother, and immigrant.

Since 2006, Anabella Lenzu has presented 390 performances, created 14 choreographic works at 100 venues, and produced 9 dance films presented in over 200 festivals both nationally and internationally.

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