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vildwerk.: Time to Protect Our Planet

vildwerk.: Time to Protect Our Planet




El Museuo del Barrio
1230 5th Avenue
New York, New York 10029


Tuesday, October 15, 2024 - 7:00pm
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 - 7:00pm




Experience an unforgettable evening at El Museo del Barrio Theater with vildwerk.’s special inaugural dance festival. Enjoy eight works, including five world  premieres by acclaimed choreographers Christopher Wheeldon, Joshua Beamish, Jacqulyn Buglisi, Mara Galeazzi, Briana J. Reed, Gianna Reisen, and Henning Rübsam, plus performances by artists from a variety of leading dance companies, including The Royal Ballet, American Ballet Theater, New York City Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, Complexions, The Martha Graham Company, Buglisi Dance Theatre and others.

The event also features #therubyinitiative, a photo exhibition by award winning and celebrated photographers Samantha Bass, Martin Broen, and Stephanie Diani telling the story of the plight of survival from certain extinction of one of the rarest and most highly traded turtles in the world – a Burmese Roof Headed Turtle native to Myanmar. Celebrate the opening night at a special drinks reception and a chance to meet the artists and collaborating conservationists.

vildwerk. is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising global environmental awareness through dance, uniting top artists and conservationists to support a sustainable future for our planet.

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