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WASHINGTON, DC: Ktm eXtreme presents "The North Star Project" at Dance Place

WASHINGTON, DC: Ktm eXtreme presents "The North Star Project" at Dance Place


Ktm eXtreme


Dance Place
3225 8th St NE
Washington, DC 20017


Saturday, February 3, 2024 - 7:00pm



Ktm eXtreme

The North Star Project is a multi-generational and multi-disciplinary choreographic work that is a celebration of the pursuit of freedom and the celebration of resilience. As African American slave lore tells it, the North Star played a key role in helping slaves to find their way, a beacon to true north and freedom. Harriet Tubman, the best-known conductor of the Underground Railroad, roused many enslaved African Americans in the south to seek freedom in the north. Another significant movement of freedom was The Great Migration, a historical movement of six million Black Americans from the rural south to the north, Midwest and west from 1916 to 1970 to escape racial violence, segregationist laws, and economic disparity. The Great Migration was the opportunity for Black people to build a new place for themselves only for decades later to be faced with gentrification in current urban culture. Once again African Americans are here standing at another historical crossroad.

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