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Triskelion Arts presents August & Co

Triskelion Arts presents August & Co


Triskelion Arts


Triskelion Arts
106 Calyer Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222


Thursday, March 28, 2024 - 8:00pm
Friday, March 29, 2024 - 8:00pm
Saturday, March 30, 2024 - 8:00pm



Triskelion Arts

TRANSVERBERATION; the act of beating, striking, or piercing through.

Interchangeably known as Religious Ecstasy, this tradition within Judeo-Christian mysticism recounts the experience of a subject receiving “the love of God”. It is described as an innate act of violence, penetrating its entrants through their heart in a fiery display. Though traumatic in nature, recipients of this endeavor also delight in its gratification…

It is ecstasy in the presence of agony,

the behavioral motivations of pain and pleasure becoming one.

TRANSVERBERATION by August & Company is a movement-based rendering of this consecrated hedonism; anguish held with reverence, arousal begotten by torment.

“The pain was so great, that it made me moan; and yet so surpassing was the sweetness of this excessive pain, that I could not wish to be rid of it.” — St. Teresa de Ávila (c. 1559)


AUGUST & CO. is a community of multi-hyphenate artists curated by August Henderson. The intention of its creation is to serve as an addition to collective consciousness, relaying personal and communal narratives that incite inquisition, deliberation, and disturbance at its core.

Past presentations/ commissions include; “All That I Know” for the digital publication “The Knowledge Within Us” commissioned by Quill Christie-Peters of The Indigenous Curatorial Collective (AUG 2020), “Acts Of Love” presented by 7mpr Dance Theatre (OCT 2019)/ Movement Research (SEP 2019), and “Visions Of You”, a prologue to the aforementioned work presented by 7mpr Dance Theatre curated by Jiali Wang (APR 2019).

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