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RECESS: Bushwick Underground Theatre - 3 Acts, 1 Night Only

RECESS: Bushwick Underground Theatre - 3 Acts, 1 Night Only


Chez Bushwick


Chez Bushwick
304 Boreum Street #23
Brooklyn, NY 11206


Monday, July 15, 2024 - 7:30pm



Chez Bushwick

Bushwick Underground Theatre is the passion project of Artists Zane Michael and Tommy Snow, playwrights, directors, and actors each. Three one acts for one night only: a wild exploration of new york’s grungy underground theatre scene.

Stoop was started by Zane Michael during the spring of 2019. It was influenced by a series of short scenes he had written while at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy. The series of vignettes was originally much more disjointed. However, over the years, the story changed into a more narrative driven play about dramatic life events that can be experienced in a single night on a stoop. Zane is very excited to finally be workshopping his play.

Tequila Story is a wild and interpersonal play written between only two characters, a Nun and a Clown in one room together. Follow along through the farce, the drama, the deep insights, and the haunting questions that are brought to you by Cate Allen’s Tequila Story.

Like a dream you can’t wake up from, Tommy Snow’s THIS IS A PLAY ABOUT LIFE is an abstract tale in contemporary theatre following The Actor stuck in a show they don’t have the script for. Everyone else on the stage knows their part, and yet The Actor couldn’t know less. Humorously described as a “testament to being a drama school drop-out” by the playwright, THIS IS A PLAY ABOUT LIFE is an examination of each person’s place in the universe, how life goes on, what is natural, what is not, and what is play.

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