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Kaatsbaan Cultural Park 2024 Annual Festival presents AUTOBIOGRAPHY V100 + V101 COMPANY WAYNE MCGREGOR

Kaatsbaan Cultural Park 2024 Annual Festival presents AUTOBIOGRAPHY V100 + V101 COMPANY WAYNE MCGREGOR


Kaatsbaan Cultural Park


Kaatsbaan Cultural Park
120 Broadway
Tivoli, NY 12583


Saturday, October 5, 2024 - 5:00pm
Sunday, October 6, 2024 - 2:00pm



Kaatsbaan Cultural Park

Kaatsbaan Cultural Park presents AUTOBIOGRAPHY V100 + V101 COMPANY WAYNE MCGREGOR as part of the 2024 Annual Festival in Tivoli, NY, on October 5, 2024 at 5pm and October 6, 2024 at 2pm. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit https://kaatsbaan.org/performances-festivals.



Oct 5 at 5:00 PM Autobiography v100
Oct 6 at 2:00 PM Autobiography v101
80 minutes
$40 General | $50 Premium
Mountain Stage, OUTDOORS


Throughout his career, Sir Wayne McGregor has created choreography that explores the relationship between the human body and technology. Autobiography merges genetic code, AI, and choreography to create a unique dance that reinvents itself for every performance. Layering choreographic imprints over personal memoir and in dialogue with a specially designed algorithm based on McGregor’s DNA data, Autobiography upends the traditional nature of dance-making as artificial intelligence and instinct converge in creative authorship. Autobiography is performed by a cast of 10 dancers and is set to an original score by Jlin. 

Wayne McGregor CBE is a multi-award-winning British choreographer and director internationally renowned for trailblazing innovations in performance that have radically redefined dance in the modern era. McGregor’s multi-dimensional works resulting from interactions with an array of artistic forms, scientific disciplines, and technological interventions have ensured his position at the cutting edge of contemporary arts for almost three decades. He is the Artistic Director of Studio Wayne McGregor, encompassing creative collaboration in dance, film, music, visual art, technology, and science; learning and research programs; and a touring company of dancers Company Wayne McGregor. McGregor is also Resident Choreographer at The Royal Ballet, Director of Dance for the Venice Biennale, and is regularly commissioned by and has works in the repertories of the most important dance companies around the world.


About Kaatsbaan Cultural Park

The mission of Kaatsbaan Cultural Park is to provide an extraordinary environment for cultural innovation and excellence by providing artists at any stage of their careers with creative residencies at state-of-the-art facilities, and presenting audiences and communities with annual outdoor festivals, educational programs, and seasonal events. As both an incubator for creativity and presenter for world-class artists in dance, theater, music, film, poetry, and culinary and visual arts, Kaatsbaan provides artists with state-of-the-art dance studios, accommodations, an indoor theater, and outdoor stages. Sited on 153 Hudson River-adjacent acres, Kaatsbaan is free of urban facilities’ space and time constraints, allowing for exciting levels of artistic exploration, creative action, and achievement—just two hours north of New York City. Kaatsbaan Cultural Park is committed to the advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the arts as we aim to present, promote, and embrace programming that accurately reflects our society. We encourage a broadly diverse group of individuals to participate in our programs and join our Board and Staff, and insist on being inclusive of all peoples regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, socio-economic background, or physical or mental ability.

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