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Holi Dance Concert at Flushing Town Hall

Holi Dance Concert at Flushing Town Hall


Flushing Town Hall


Flushing Town Hall
137-35 Northern Blvd


Saturday, April 6, 2024 - 2:00pm



Flushing Town Hall

फ्लशिंग टाउन हॉल में होली मनाएं ! 

Save the date for Flushing Town Hall's annual Holi Dance Concert, a celebration of Spring and new beginnings, curated by artistic director Abha Roy. More details to be announced in the coming weeks! 

Celebrate spring and new beginnings with Flushing Town Hall's annual Holi Dance Concert curated by artistic director Abha Roy. Holi highlights the message of good over evil, and the end of conflicts. With lively colors and movements, the Srijan Dance Company and ADDA will introduce you to folk and classical dances from India’s diverse states. Accompaniment and musical improvisation by Naren Budhakar, master of tabla and vocal artist, and Abhik Mukherjee, Indian classical sitar artist. Queens Curry Kitchen will be selling their delicious Indian food and snacks. 

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