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Dances by Very Young Choreographers at New York Live Arts

Dances by Very Young Choreographers at New York Live Arts


Ellen Robbins


New York Live Arts
219 W 19th St


Saturday, January 27, 2024 - 7:30pm
Sunday, January 28, 2024 - 7:30pm



Ellen Robbins

Dances by Very Young Choreographers showcases the choreography of the students of Ellen Robbins, ages 8 – 18. It is devised to give a young audience exposure to the variety of theater experiences that modern dance affords. It includes dances that are humorous, narrative, minimal, lyrical, and visually conceptual. The music selections, chosen by the choreographers, range from classical to contemporary music including folk music, jazz, pop and the spoken word. Children in the audience will have an opportunity to come onstage for a brief, structured improvisation for the fun of dancing an idea.

On January 27th, there will be an evening concert by the Alumni of Dances by Very Young Choreographers, which presents work by dancers who studied with Ellen as early as 1982 to 2016. The alumni artists are: Marina Chan, Lina Dahbour, Maia Sage Ermansons, Krista Jansen, Amelia Sanders, Rakhel Shapiro, and Lou Sydel.

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