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BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA: "news from the island" + "How to accept criticism and not kill yourself (or the critic)"

BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA: "news from the island" + "How to accept criticism and not kill yourself (or the critic)"


Katarína Zagorski


Stoka Theatre
Karpatská 2
Bratislava, Slovakia


Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - 7:00pm



Katarína Zagorski

On the occasion of the quarter-century since the first project by Katarína Zagorski staged at the Stoka Theatre, the performance "news from the island" comes with a special bonus lecture/workshop "How to accept criticism and not kill yourself (or the critic)".


“news from the island”

Choreography and performance by Katarína Zagorski

Music by The Jimmy Cake

Produced by Katarína Zagorski and Stoka Theatre

Duration: 40 min

Somewhere between dance and performance art, between the northern and the southern poles, this piece is about what happened on the island.

Foggy Dawn

Easy Sunshine

Sudden Storm

Long Rain



Thanks to:

Blaho Uhlár/Divadlo STOKA

Michal Kaščák/Festival Pohoda

Special Thanks to

Dara Thomas Higgins/The Jimmy Cake

for permission to use the tracks Red Tony, The Day The Arms That Came Out Of The Wall, Haunted Candle, The Art Of Wrecking and Hugs For Buddy from the album Spectre & Crown



“How to accept criticism and not kill yourself (or the critic)”

Concept and performance: Katarína Zagorski

Produced by Katarína Zagorski and Divadlo Stoka

Duration: 20 min (performed in Slovak language)

The workshop/lecture for dance artists and artists in general is a purpose- built aid to theoretically and practically accept criticism, and a celebration of those who accepted criticism and so far have not killed themselves, the critic or somebody else.


Thanks to: Blaho Uhlár/Divadlo STOKA

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