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BRATISLAVA, SK: "news from the island" /správy z ostrova/

BRATISLAVA, SK: "news from the island" /správy z ostrova/


Katarína Zagorski


Stoka Theatre
Karpatská 2, YMCA building, 1st floor
Bratislava 81105


Tuesday, February 6, 2024 - 7:00pm



Katarína Zagorski

"news from the island" /správy z ostrova/

Choreography and performance by Katarína Zagorski

Music by The Jimmy Cake

Produced by Katarína Zagorski and Stoka Theatre

Duration: 40 min


Somewhere between dance and performance art, between the northern and the southern poles, this piece is about what happened on the island.

Foggy Dawn

Easy Sunshine

Sudden Storm

Long Rain



The performance správy z ostrova (news from the island) by Katarína Zagorski premiered in 2011 in Limerick, Ireland. Its first part Hmlistý úsvit (Foggy Dawn) was performed as part of a charity event organized by Pohoda Festival and Depaul Slovakia Doma Dobre 2021.


Thanks to:

Blaho Uhlár/Divadlo STOKA
Michal Kaščák/Festival Pohoda


Special Thanks to:

Dara Thomas Higgins/The Jimmy Cake
for permission to use the tracks Red Tony, The Day The Arms That Came Out Of The Wall, Haunted Candle, The Art Of Wrecking and Hugs For Buddy from the album Spectre & Crown.


Katarína Zagorski (formerly Mojžišová) has stretched dance to the length of one kilometer (Kilometre Dance), to seven hours’ duration (O1), sold it at auction (Auction), and sacrificed it in a shopping centre (The Rite of Spring, Limerick).

Since 1999 she has choreographed for contemporary, ballet, Irish and hip-hop dancers, kids, adults, professional ensembles, theatres and schools, worked in dance, performance art, theatre, short film and across the genres, collaborated with avant-garde artists as well as national institutions in Slovakia and abroad.

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