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BAMKids Presents "Show Way," The Musical

BAMKids Presents "Show Way," The Musical


Brooklyn Academy of Music


BAM Fisher Fishman Space
30 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11217


Saturday, March 16, 2024 - 2:00pm, 7:00pm
Sunday, March 17, 2024 - 11:00am, 3:00pm



Brooklyn Academy of Music

This stirring historical musical—adapted from Jacqueline Woodson’s acclaimed children’s book—pays tribute to the women in Woodson’s own family whose strength and knowledge have illuminated their daughters’ lives over seven generations.

Soonie shares the story of how her great-grandma was just seven years old when she was sold to a big plantation without her parents. With only some fabric and needles to call her own, she began to stitch a Show Way: a quilt with secret meanings to show enslaved people the way to freedom. As each generation passes, the quilt sheds light on the past and paves the road into the future, stitching together possibility and promise.

Join us for Q&As with the company and Woodson following the performances on Saturday, March 16 at 7 pm and on Sunday, March 17 at 11am.

Please note: There will be a sensory friendly performance on March 17 at 3pm.

Choreography by Tiffany Quinn
Music Direction by Tiffany Underwood Holmes
Original Direction by Schele Williams
Scenic design by Tony Cisek
Costume design by Jeannette Christensen
Lighting design by Kyle Grant
Sound design by Cresent Haynes
Projection design by Jeremy Bennett

A World Premiere Kennedy Center Commission


The Company of "Show Way" The Musical. Photo by Kyle Schick for Elman Studio

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