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contemporary BIPOC community class

contemporary BIPOC community class


sarAika contemporary BIPOC community class


100 Grand
100 Grand St.
Manhattan, New York 10013


Thursday, November 17, 2022 - 12:30pm



sarAika contemporary BIPOC community class

Dates: November 17th, 12:30pm-2.00:pm
Location: 100 Grand St #2, NY 10013

Contemporary - intermediate 

Mayu’s class will bring her background in Contemporary, Modern, Ballet, and Improvisation to get back to basics and focus on how to move your body and the quality of movement.
Also, circulate the energy from the ground into the lower body’s foundation and approach to space, pursuing a rooted strength and free and dynamic physical expression.
Very welcome everyone from advanced dancers to beginners who want to learn to dance well.


Warm-up (stretch and balance training)
Basic Exercises (Exercises with center ballet and floor work. goal: To move your body freely and dynamically, utilizing plie, shifting the weight, contraction and release, and swinging movements.)
Choreography (Phrase work.goal: Aware of the fine interlocking of the body, the connection of energy from the ground, and the body’s approach to space, and pursue the quality of movement through choreography.)


Mayu Nakaya is a dancer and choreographer from Japan. She moved to New York City in 2019 and studied at The Ailey School scholarship program for two years.
Currently, she is a member of the sarAika Movement Collective and Helen Simoneau Danse, Yu.S.Artistry, and the improvisation-based company Open Dance Ensemble with Philip Ellis Foster. In Addition, she has presented her solo piece at several showcases as a freelance artist.
She started ballet training when she was three years old. After then, she learned contemporary dance and choreography, gaining a lot of performing experience at the Contemporary Dance Course in the Performing Arts Department at Tokyo Metropolitan High School of Arts and the Dance Laboratory at the University of Tsukuba of Physical Education. 
From 2016 to 2019, she participated in several dance competitions in Japan and the Seoul International Dance Competition, dancing her choreographies, and always qualifying as a finalist and winner. She has worked with Jesse Obremski and Jie-Hung Connie Shiau at Earl Mosley’s Diversity of Dance(2022) and Yoshihito Sakuraba in New York City.

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