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Physical Listening LAB with The Equus Project: 3-Week Sessions in May (VIRTUAL)

Physical Listening LAB with The Equus Project: 3-Week Sessions in May (VIRTUAL)


The Equus Project


121 W. 17th, 4B
New York, NY 11207


Sunday, May 1, 2022 - 4:00pm weekly through May 30, 2022



The Equus Project

Physical Listening LAB - Three Week Sessions in May - registration open!

Embodied Explorations for Curious Humans

A somatic practice that sharpens our noticing and creative decision-making skills

A deep-dive into rigor and play


You are invited to join us, registration is open. The Equus Projects are exploring a three-series format to dig deeper into a single concept for three sessions and create a sense of community within a group.

Day: Mondays
(New) Time: 4 pm - 6 pm EST
Where: Virtually on Zoom
*Zoom link and payment link will be sent out every week.
Price: 3 sessions at $50 / Single Class: $25

This LAB is OPEN LEVEL for curious minds and thinkers. Each class explores a central inquiry through somatic experiences, guided improvisations, doodling, journal writing, movement making and group brainstorming. 

We'll ask questions like:

  • How can spatial intention improve my communication skills?
  • What does it mean to feel another person's energy?
  • How can I avoid over-thinking?

We'll do things like: 

  • Translate verbal to visual
  • Excavating our creative instincts


For any further questions about the lab or for registration please email joannamendlshaw@gmail.com

Thank you! See you Mondays in May!


xx JoAnna Mendl Shaw


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