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NEW HOPE, PA: Mill Ballet School's Choreographic Workshop

NEW HOPE, PA: Mill Ballet School's Choreographic Workshop


Mill Ballet School


Mill Ballet School
46 N Sugan Rd
New Hope, PA 18938


Monday, July 31, 2023 - 9:00am weekly through August 20, 2023



Mill Ballet School

The Mill Ballet School's Choreographic Workshop has grown to be a place where young aspiring dancers can work closely with Mark and Melissa Roxey, the outstanding faculty of The Mill Ballet School, and guest artists. The goal of our program is to give each individual a better insight into the technique and artistry of dance. Student's will take classes in both classical and contemporary ballet as well as dance composition. Choreographers will work with students on providing them with the knowledge and tools necessary to develop choreography and understand the process. The three-week workshop will culminate with a performance at the River Dance Festival hosted by Roxey Ballet.​

For more information at to register go to https://www.millballetschool.com/summer-dance-programs.

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