Moving With Grace: Zoom Feldenkrais ATM Classes
Classes are 7 PM - Central Europe Time zone - use time zone converter here
➡️ ➡️ Free registration at
Improving the organization of the neck, shoulders and jaw.
Releasing tension, pain, blockages.
I am teaching online Feldenkrais lesson series focused on the head, neck, jaw, face, and eyes.
Movement patterns, tightness and unease in these parts are usually all linked together and are very common. They can be often experienced as pain, TMJ issues, headaches, stress, restricted breathing or bad posture.
You will learn how to improve the use of this area of the body and integrate it with the rest of yourself.
It can have an impact on your well being by:
- Reducing chronic muscle tension
- Improving flexibility and range of motion
- Completing tasks with less effort
- Improving sleep and breathing
- Reducing stress and anxiety
- Improving balance, coordination and posture
- Increasing athletic performance
– How does it work?
Restructure your neuromuscular patterns to move without pain.
Classes are designed as movement inquiry. You will explore how you use and experience your body, and how you can improve it.
I will guide you verbally in slow, gentle movement sequences. This process intends to change deep unconscious movement habits, that are causing unnecessary tension in the body, and to create space for more efficient use of self.
During the class, you will be mainly moving in laying position or sitting on the floor and following my verbal guidance. There is no need to look at the screen, and your attention is free to focus on your own experience.
Every Thursday at 7 PM - Central Europe Time zone - use time zone converter here
➡️ ➡️ Free registration at