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Mark Morris Dance Group's Mini-Symposium for Dance Educators

Mark Morris Dance Group's Mini-Symposium for Dance Educators


Mark Morris Dance Group


Mark Morris Dance Center
3 Lafayette Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11217


Friday, July 21, 2023 - 9:00am
Saturday, July 22, 2023 - 9:00am



Mark Morris Dance Group

Teaching Artist Summer Seminar and Dance for PD Advanced Training – Summer 2023

July 21 and 22, 2023
9:00 AM to 5:30 PM at the Mark Morris Dance Center


The Mark Morris Dance Group (MMDG) Mini-Symposium for Dance Educators is an opportunity for experienced dance educators to interact and collaborate with other teachers, be immersed in Mark Morris Dance Group’s unique pedagogical approach, and find crossover methodologies with educators trained in a variety of studio environments.

The schedule of the symposium will allow educators to participate in two tracks of workshops: the Teaching Artist Summer Seminar, dedicated to the MMDG educational approach, or the Dance for PD® Advanced Training for teaching in Dance for PD programs. Joint sessions will combine the two perspectives to maximize deep understanding and foster expansive networking opportunities. In-person and on-demand options are available. For our sample schedule, click here.

In the Teaching Artist Summer Seminar, participants will be asked to use culturally responsive educational practices to reflect upon teaching within their respective genres, while also considering specificity in the teaching of musicality and infusing inclusion practices in the dance studio.

In the Dance for PD Advanced Training workshops, participants will enhance their skills and knowledge in the areas of inclusive Parkinson’s teaching practice, musicality, and activity design through a focused exploration of Mark Morris repertory and dances from the African diaspora. By participating in either workshop track, existing Dance for PD teachers are eligible for 16 CPD credits toward certification while connecting and exchanging ideas with members of the global network.

The Mini-Symposium will include moments of conversation, information sharing, collaboration, feedback, and interactivity. Our goal is to provide a space for teachers to exit these two days invigorated and excited to teach their next classes!

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