M O V E M E N T 2 C O N T A C T : Exit12’s Veteran / Civilian Movement Workshop

Repurposing movement; transforming trauma
This virtual workshop is designed to bridge cultural gaps through shared movement, transform traumatic experiences into expressive choreographic themes, and inspire participants to push beyond their comfort zones. Veterans and civilians will engage in movement creation, self-esteem building, empathy enrichment, and teamwork.
5.15.21 | 2pm - 3pm MST
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpc-igpjgtHdFfqTCSxZEHxr8yfBqdPRV1
5.18.21 | 11am -12pm MST
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcodu6gqjosE9YXL2guI9UZfP6lSiSk28h8
5-day workshop: 5.20.21 - 5.24.21 | 12pm - 1pm MST daily
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYsd-CtqjoiHtXM1hNsTMCTpQWqUA50xd9T