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Join "I Am Here Now: A Two Can Do Summer Immersive"

Join "I Am Here Now: A Two Can Do Summer Immersive"


Two Can Do: Bianca Paige Smith




Sunday, June 6, 2021 - 10:00am daily through June 10, 2021



Two Can Do: Bianca Paige Smith

How do we embrace our wholeness and nourish ourselves as dance artists?

Join "I Am Here Now: A Two Can Do Summer Immersive", facilitated by dance artists Bianca Paige Smith and Eimear Byrne. During this virtual immersive, participants will be introduced to and examine ways in which to recognize and nurture creative practice in their daily lives. We have developed this immersive experience specifically in response to the impact of the pandemic we have witnessed on our immediate creative communities, and to the needs that we are seeing in the current and next generation of artists.

Utilizing the principles of "Two Can Do", an award-winning post-dance duet, we will examine themes of support, connection, listening, vulnerability, and surrender. Through the lenses of yoga, meditation, neuroscience, and contemporary dance, we will guide and encourage artists to ask questions, to trust their instincts, to explore their vulnerability, and to allow themselves to receive what is already there.

Discover more here: https://biancapaigesmith.com/summer-immersive/

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