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Isadora Freedom Dances Repertory Workshop

Isadora Freedom Dances Repertory Workshop


Lori Belilove & The Isadora Duncan Dance Foundation


141 W 26th St 3rd floor, New York, NY 10001


Sunday, May 15, 2022 - 12:00pm



Lori Belilove & The Isadora Duncan Dance Foundation

Join Lori Belilove and Company members in an experimental workshop layering Isadora’s dances of heroism and compassion with the Ukrainian National Anthem and other heroic folk songs. Phrases of dances from Duncan’s repertory including The Varshavianka, The Rakoczy March, and Chopin’s Military Polonaise, will be learned as part of this exciting workshop.

Tuition: $50 (discounts for students available upon request)

We will do a short warm-up before moving on to phases of the dances. Interspersed between moving will be video screenings and quotes from Duncan as we a look at the historical background of the dances and the current events we are living in.


“With boundless indignation I watched these poor grief-stricken workmen carrying their martyred dead… If I had never seen it, all my life would have been different. There, before this seemingly endless procession, this tragedy, I vowed myself and my forces to the service of the people and the downtrodden.”

— Isadora Duncan

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