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Equus Projects' June Workshop in the Catskills

Equus Projects' June Workshop in the Catskills


The Equus Projects / Onsite NYC


NYC and Jefferson, NY


Wednesday, June 19, 2024 - 12:00am daily through June 23, 2024



The Equus Projects / Onsite NYC

Join us in the beautiful Catskill Mountains for transformative explorations with humans and horses!

June 19th
NYC Studio Session
Travel to Jefferson, NY
Opening Night Dinner

June 20-22nd
Explorations with horses, guided by horse whisperer Dan McCarthy Translating interspecies perspective into
embodied explorations in the dance studio. 

June 23rd
Final studio session and return to NYC

Workshop: $600
Early Bird Registration - $500
When you register before May 31st

Includes transportation + hosted opening night dinner. 

Please check our website for more information and to register! 

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