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Deeply 25 Beyond Dance: Mature H.O.T. Women

Deeply 25 Beyond Dance: Mature H.O.T. Women


Deeply Rooted Dance Theater


Chicago, IL


Tuesday, March 9, 2021 - 7:00pm weekly through April 27, 2021



Deeply Rooted Dance Theater

Deeply Rooted Dance Theater (DRDT), with its “Deeply 25 Beyond Dance” 25th anniversary season in progress, is continuing its successful virtual classes with a new term beginning in March 2021.

The Mature H.O.T. Women program, for women ages 25 and older who are Health-conscious, Optimistic, and Triumphant, provides technical training and repertory workshops to strengthen the body, challenge the mind, and nourish the spirit through a synergy of modern, ballet, and African dance techniques led by Deeply Rooted artistic staff.

Students who register for the full term, including technique class and repertoire experience, are eligible to participate in the Up Close and Personal virtual sharing at the end of the session.

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